Advanced Technology 7


Protect your local biosphere and the lives of you and your family with the DPE100 X

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Utilising the energies of the Earth, the Sun and the Cosmos, the DPE Agriculture triggers a dramatic change in plant growth rates and crop yields. Typically, it can be expected to produce 50% more plant growth and a 200% increase in crop yields (please do your planning on a 50% increase in yield and treat the rest as a bonus), whilst doing this with no fertiliser and no pesticides. Further, it will extend the growing season, which in some cases will enable two crops per season. Additionally, plants will grow with about 50% less water.

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The DPE Shield Agriculture triggers a dramatic change in plant growth rates and crop yields across a zone of 1964 Ha or 4850 acres.

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The extraordinary DPE ZED Shield EMF Neutraliser absorbs abnormal levels of EMF from the environment. What this means is that interference from such things as the emerging 5G networks, smart electricity meters and overhead or underground powerlines can be prevented from interfering with you and your loved ones. Just as importantly, it prevents extreme weather events from occurring, whether they be hurricanes or sudden torrential downpours or hailstorms with golf ball sized hail and larger, which have been growing in frequency and severity around the world.

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